The total donations received this week is £1,456.50. Donations are £550.22 from the PayPal Giving Fund, £29 in 5ps from Karen Barker, £59.85 from sales at The Emporium Somerset in Wellington, £30 in 5ps from June Robinson and friends, from collection pots there is £8.67 from the Crusty Cob, Burnham, £43.39 from Tesco Express, Comeytrowe, £68.96 from Tesco Express East Reach, £65 from Tesco Express, Bower Estate, Bridgwater and £45 from Tesco Express, Priorswood, and left at the Beacon Centre was £16 from Nikki Mumby and her Zumba and Flexercise class participants, £9.80 in 5ps from Merv & Barbara Deer, £416.50 in mixed coins from the Charlotte Troup of Wellington and from the Beacon Centre £114.11 mainly in 5ps.
Thank you for all your donations.
Donations Update 16th February 2025
The total donations received this time is £18,174.95 The donations are £18,050 from Stags. This money was raised at various fundraising activities held throughout 2024