The total donations received is £8,330.47 Donations this time are £6,923.76, raised in memory of Matt Purdie who sadly passed away in 2015, when 150 golfers from the Hinkley Point C project came together in June at the Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club, resulting in donations to three charities, £1,000 from the Masonic Lodge of Brotherly Love No L329, based in Yeovil, towards SURE expenses, £156.75 raised at a walk and raffle held at Maunsell Lock Tea Rooms, £50 from Kahleen Else and friends of Porlock, from collection pots there was £38.04 from the Bishop’s Lydeard paper shop, and £14.50 from Tesco Express, Priorswood, and in 5p collections there was £4.45 from Carol Young and family, £1.75 form Dave at the allotments, £36.90 from Minster Pharmacy, Ilminster, and in mixed coinage was £73.07 from Hope Corner Lane Community Centre and Bingo Club and £31.25 from June and her elves.
Thank you for all your donations.