The total donated this time is £909.59. Donations for the last two weeks are £50 from Alan & Eveline Jenkins from Wellington in memory of their brother, £24.32 from the collection pot at the Emporium Somerset, Wellington, £10 from Dorothy & Brian Gyatt, £193 from the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers (Central & Somerset Group) raised from entries and refreshments, from collection pots there was £54.53 from Tesco Express Comeytrowe, £126.27 from Tesco Express, East Reach, £11.41 from the Crusty Cob, Burnham, £32 from Tesco Express, Priorswood, and £219.04 from Bishops Lydeard Newsagents, and in 5ps there was £8.85 from Diane Nixson, £31.70 from Jan Biddiscombe and friends, £21.20 from Jayne Innalls and family, and in coppers £4 from Jacqui and Peter Curry and left at the Beacon Centre was £16 mainly in 5ps from Nikki Mumby’s Gold, Zumba and Flexercise classes, £24.55 from Nicola Greenway in memory of her mother Elizabeth Nevillia Daniels and from the Beacon Centre there was £82.72 mainly in 5ps.
Thank you for all your donations.