The total donations received this time is £4,583.85 Donations are £3,599.21 raised by Steve Dyer, his friends and colleagues who took part of the Movember scheme, £422.10 from Jane House who held a ‘Carols in the Cattleshed’ event at Tetton Farm, Kingston St Mary, £40 from Vera Watts of Highbridge, Angela Davies and their friends at the Bingo Club,£30 from Kath Else and friends from Porlock, in 5ps there was £2 from Jackie O’Mara, £5 from Wendy Pattenden and £8 from Dave at the allotments, from collection pots there was £53.12 from Taunton Country Market in Bath Place, £25.50 from the Londis Shop, Taunton Road, Bridgwater, £36 from Tesco Express, North Petherton, £62 from Tesco Express, Bower Estate, Bridgwater, £32.70 from Tesco Express, Kingsdown, £84.11 from Tesco Express, Comeytrowe and £107.86 from Tesco Express, East Reach, and from Musgrove Park Hospital there was £2 in 5ps from Chritine Turner and £74.25, mainly in 5ps from the hospital.
Thank you for all your donations.
Donations Update 16th February 2025
The total donations received this time is £18,174.95 The donations are £18,050 from Stags. This money was raised at various fundraising activities held throughout 2024