S.U.R.E. Somerset Unit for Radiotherapy Equipment

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Donations Update 19th May 2024

The total donations this time is £885.41, the donations are £137.50 from Marc and Ali Turner collected at Marc’s birthday and included some 5ps saved by Ali’s Mum, £50 from Patricia Diggins donated for the kindness and caring shown to her during her Radiotherapy treatment, £45 donation from the Bridgwater Girls Grammer School reunion class of 1959, £25 from the Bridgwater Carnival Club, £300 from staff in Taunton who donated as part of the Ecclesiastical Company MyGiving donation scheme, and from collection pots there was £69 from Tesco Express, at the Bower Estate, Bridgwater, £54 from the Bell Inn in Creech St Michael, £98.16 from Tesco Express, East Reach,  and in 5ps there was £35 from  the Highbridge Bingo Club, £11 from Janet Potticary of Bridgwater, £28.30 from Marleen Matthews and friends from Wemdon and £32.45 from Jan Biddscombe and friends of Creech St Michael.

Thank you for all your donations. 

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