S.U.R.E. Somerset Unit for Radiotherapy Equipment

Our news and events

Donations Update 26th September 2021

The total donated this week is £911.42 Donations received are £100 from Pat Potter raised from the sale of garden furniture, £140 from Judith Heaphy of Minehead from Plant sales, £300 donation from Bridgwater Bowling Association, and anonymous donation of £5, £100 sponsorship money from Paul Smith Associates of Bridgwater, £50 including £10 in 5ps from Rosemary Smith, and from 5p collections there is £5.55 from Jan Payne, £20 from Jill Wood, £63.50 from Liz Hector, family & friends, £3.65 from Gillian Robson, £34 from the Moose Ladies Circle in Taunton, and from the Beacon Centre there was £26 in 5ps from Brian Ting, £44 in 5ps from Sue Tett & friends of Bridgwater and £19.72 from the Beacon Centre. 
Thank you for all your donations.

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