The total donations received this time is £4,813.57. The donations are £3,000 from the Wellington District Rotary, £60 from Wendy Griffiths raised from the sale of knitted items, £125 from the Wellington Aqua Social Group raised at a raffle and also from the group was £25 in 5ps, £285 from the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, Over Stowey, raised by parishioners who sponsored the church floodlights during Advent, £20 from Joy Irish in lieu of Christmas cards, £12.50 in 5ps from Members of the Ivy House Park Social Club, £8.26 from Amazon Smile, £60 in 5ps from Ashley Smith and a donation of £40 from Rosemary Smith, £164.45 from a bucket collection at a Carol Concert at St John’s Church, Wellington organised by John Walker and JW3, £400 donation from Bill & Jean Smith of Bishops Lydeard, £150 Thorne St Margaret PCC being a share of the collection at their “Carols in the Barn” service held in the barn at Thorne Manor in Thorne St Margaret, near Wellington, £192.85 from the sale of donated items from the Emporium Somerset, Wellington, and £40.41 from their collection pot and left at the Beacon Centre was £35 in 5ps from Beryl Hake and her many kind friends and family and from the Beacon Centre was £195.10 in 5ps.
Thank you for all your donations and best wishes to you all for a healthy 2022.
Donations Update 16th February 2025
The total donations received this time is £18,174.95 The donations are £18,050 from Stags. This money was raised at various fundraising activities held throughout 2024