The total donations received is £1,406.84 Donations this time are £1,090 from Judith Heaphy of Minehead raised at her Christmas Fair, £25 from Margaret Harper T/A Sparklers donated as her fee for a talk given to Yeovil & District NHS Retirement Fellowship, £55 from Bishopswood Chapel in Chard from a collection on Sunday 18 December, £80.14 from a bucket collection at a Christmas Concert by JW3 at St Johns Parish Church, Wellington, £50 from Geraldine and John Keirle in lieu of Christmas cards and £18 from Dave Smith, also in lieu of Christmas cards, £20 from Mike Crew for foreign coins collected, and in 5ps there was £19.40 from Marlene Matthews and friends and £49.30 from Jan Biddiscombe and friends.
Thank you for all your donations.
Donations Update 16th February 2025
The total donations received this time is £18,174.95 The donations are £18,050 from Stags. This money was raised at various fundraising activities held throughout 2024