The total donations received this time is £775.83. Donations are £210 in 5ps from North Petherton WI, £25 from John Mellanby of Ashcott, £77.20 mainly in 5ps from the South Somerset Choral Society, £49.09 from the collection pots at Tesco Express, Comeytrowe and £88.49 from the collection pots at Tesco Express, East Reach, and anonymous donation of £1 in 5ps, £20 from Hazel Bevan and Sue Woods of Street, and from further 5p collection there was £5.30 from Trevor and Ann Coram, £20.70 from June Robinson and friends, £14.50 in silver coins from Dave and £6.50 from Mr Wilkins and collected from the Beacon Centre was £25 in 5ps from Marsh and Peter Webber of Wellington, and £35,50 mainly in 5ps from Nikki Mumby’s Zumba class,Taunton and from the Beacon Centre, £197.55 mainly in 5ps.
Thank you for all your donations.