The total donations received this time is £1,541.80. Donations this week are £850 from Judith Heaphy of Minehead from the sale of plants. Judith has been raising money for SURE from her plant sales in her courtyard garden since 2018. There is also £10 in 5ps from Vera Watts, £17.50 in 5ps from Vera’s bingo friends and £12.50 in 5ps from Angela Davies. Other 5p collections are £22.10 from Dennis and Rosemary Buckingham of Wiveliscombe, £5.50 from Jenny and Shirley, £5 from Wendy Pattenden and £5.70 from Norma Trangmar and Connie Morley. From collection pots we have collected £14.06 from Tesco Express, Priorswood, £55.50 from Tesco Express Bridgwater, £55.50 from Tesco Express, North Petherton and £47.59 from Tesco Express, Kingsdown, Bridgwater. We have also received a donation of £225 from the Wellington Carnival Committee, thank you to those SURE committee members and friends who assisted with the charity collection on the night. Donations left at Musgrove Park Hospital for the Beacon Centre are £28 in 5ps from Nikki Mumby’s Gold Flexercise classes, £30 in 5ps from Andy and Jo Kidner, £22.25 in 5ps from Derek and Sheila Cleeve of Brompton Ralph, £16.80 in 5ps from Mike and Pearl Newman of Taunton, £20 from Mr P Dixon and friends also from Taunton and £98.89, mainly in 5ps from anonymous donations.
Thank you for all your donations.
Donations Update 16th February 2025
The total donations received this time is £18,174.95 The donations are £18,050 from Stags. This money was raised at various fundraising activities held throughout 2024