S.U.R.E. Somerset Unit for Radiotherapy Equipment

Our news and events

Quay Lane Minehead Christmas Fair

Wonderful SURE supporter Judith Heaphy held a Christmas Fair for S.U.R.E. in Quay Lane Minehead on Saturday 17th December 2022.
There was a very good turn out and plenty of stalls to keep visitors interested. Mulled wine was flowing and there were refreshments available; coffee and cakes including mince pies.
A raffle was held and a total of £1077 was raised on the day.

Both Carole Summerfield (S.U.R.E.Treasurer) and Roy Hole (Vice Chairman) attended.

The photos show Carole Summerfield randomly picking out raffle tickets from a box held by Judith and Judith talking with visitors. 

Judith Heaphy and Carole Summerfield at Quay Lane Minehead Christmas Fair
Judith Heaphy and friends at Quay Lane Minehead Christmas Fair

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